Project name: Wolfe Co. Culvert
Narrative: Here you can see our progress on the DBL. 10’x6’ RCBC Extension on the Mountain Parkway in Wolfe Co. We had just finished up a pour on the top slab with one more pour to go. The field crew has done an excellent job at sequencing the concrete pours to minimize any potential down time associated with the compressive strength testing of the concrete. Also, props to the field for good housekeeping and having an organized site, which is imperative to good work flow and safety.

Project name: Span 1 Beam Erection
Take a look at our crew in Russell County erecting a span of beams on our B Mann Road Bridge. Here we are utilizing two 777 Crawler Cranes from Manitowoc Cranes. Our operators have to exhibit excellent teamwork to efficiently and safely place these beams in a two-crane pick.
Shout out to Manitowoc Cranes:
Project name: Knott County Recap
See below a video recap from our Knott County project. This was a phased emergency superstructure replacement of a 630’ long bridge over Carr Creek Lake. Construction began on the project June 6, 2023 with a strict completion date of November 30, 2023. Haydon Bridge crews worked long days and many weekends to get this bridge opened to two lanes of traffic three days before the deadline! We would like to give a big thanks to all of our crew members & subcontractors who made this a successful project!!!
Shout out to our Bar-Tie Reinforcing Subcontractors
Project Name: Wolfe County Deck Pour
Take a look at the first deck pour on our Wolfe County Project. This deck pour took a group effort and the two Mountain Parkway crews did an exceptional job in completing this task. Our crews did a great job in preparing for this day down to the last detail, which made for a very smooth pour.
Employee Spotlight – Jimmy Cash

This month, we’d like to feature our longest tenured employee, Mr Jimmy Cash! Jimmy started working with Haydon Bridge as an operator during the Carter Administration back on March 9th, 1979! Jimmy was one of our first operators, operating the old friction cranes and has been with us as a trusted operator as we brought our crane fleet into the modern era.
Jimmy is viewed as one of our most reliable employees and has been willing to travel anywhere we have needed him. In March of 2024, Jimmy will have worked with us for 45 years!! Let that sink in for a minute. 45 YEARS is more than many of you reading this have been alive and that entire time Jimmy has been a trusted employee pulling the levers for Haydon Bridge!
When asked what advice he would offer others, Jimmy offered, to ‘think about others, be selfless and respect others’. Jimmy has always had a big heart, and those that truly get to know him recognize that.
Jimmy will soon retire and enjoy time with his family and just being at home. He says he will miss the fellowship of his co-workers and we’ll miss him too. Until then, we celebrate Mr Jimmy Cash and his unquestioned dedication that is second to none!