Winter Training
During the last week of January Haydon Bridge held their annual Winter Training. During this time, we had presentations on Leadership, New Technology, “Spec Talk”, and many more topics before we kick off the new year. As you can see from the photos the competition was fierce in one of the group activities of constructing the longest bridge out of spaghetti noodles. We would like to thank Bill Pettus for all of his hard work he has put in to making this training a success!!

Wheel Rim Road Project
Narrative: Looking back at a set of twin bridges located on the Mountain Parkway over Wheelrim Road. Haydon Bridge Company was awarded their first contract on the Mountain Parkway in 2016 and has been included on an additional 2 other projects since then. Under these three contracts Haydon Bridge has been awarded 30 bridges & 20 reinforced box culverts all along the Mountain Parkway corridor.

CPR Training
Cold weather brings on a good time for training! We would like to thank everyone who was involved with spending the day getting both CPR & bloodborne pathogen certified.

Russell County Update
Update on the US 127 Project in Russell County: The substructure for the Rock Lick Creek Bridge is progressing quickly and we will soon be preparing to set the beams for this bridge. We have been working on access at the Cumberland River Bridge Site, and will soon begin construction on the drilled shafts for the piers on this bridge.

Congratulations Justin Hensley
We would like to congratulate Justin Hensley on his promotion to Working Foreman. Justin is quickly on his way to achieving his goals and continues to grow as a leader within our organization. Keep up the good work, we greatly appreciate everything you do!!

Leadership Development at Haydon Bridge Company
Leadership development is crucial to any organization. Haydon Bridge facilitates this through many different means, including utilization of the Buildwitt Training Platform and in-person training. As you can see in the attached picture, Bill Pettus is engaging our field leadership in discussion regarding empowering their crew members to be tomorrow’s leaders. We had great participation from our Field Leadership. Keep up the good work!