PROJECT NAME: Russell County
It has been a very productive year on our project in Russell County!! As you can see from the video, we have poured the bridge deck on the Bridge over Swan Pond Road, set beams at the Bridge over B Mann Road, and have started excavation and substructure construction on the Bridge over Rock Lick Creek. We would like to give a big shout out to our crews for all of their hard work they have put it on this project.
PROJECT NAME: Crane Signaling Training Video
Over the past year Haydon Bridge has been hard at work creating our own video library of training content for both safety and construction processes. Take a look at one of the videos we created for giving proper voice signals while signaling a crane. Big thanks to one of our Senior Lead Carpenters Justin Hensley for assisting with the creation of this video.
PROJECT NAME: Structural Steel Erection – Pulaski County
FLASHBACK: Structural Steel Erection in Pulaski County – Haydon Bridge Company offers structural steel girder erection. Red-Iron construction is a commonly used term for industrial grade steel. Red-Iron provides incredible strength and durability for large projects that require long spans and heavy loads.

A Critical Lift means that the lift exceeds 75% of the rated capacity of the crane or requires the use of more than one crane. Before the first shackle is ever attached to the load of a critical lift, a significant amount of planning goes on behind the scenes in creating a Critical Lift Plan. These lift plans can be as long as 100 pages and include everything from rigging diagrams to site drawings. Our Project Managers utilize 3-D modeling to simulate the lifts, which ensures that the lift can be done safely and efficiently.
PROJECT NAME: Knott County Deck Pour
Superintendents Mike Keeton & Keith Cash as well as Working Foreman Derek Hamilton have taken their teams and completed the bridge deck on the Bridge over Carr Creek Lake in Knott Co., KY. They have worked many long days and several nights, including these late October deck pours, to get this emergency project to this point. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of our team members on this project.
PROJECT NAME: Final Asphalt Surfacing – Marion County
In this short fly over video, you will see the final configuration of the section of roadway that was widened on US 68 in Marion County. Shout out to our crews led by Bobby Douglas, and Haydon Materials for getting the final asphalt surfacing down before the winter shut down.
Employee Spotlight – Bill Hammond

Bill has worked at Haydon Bridge Company for 33 1/2 years as a job foreman and we’d like to celebrate his tenure with our company! When asked what he has learned during his tenure with Haydon Bridge, Bill commented that Tommy Haydon instilled in him years ago that “the people are what make companies”.
Bill believes Tommy started a company that treated people fairly and has tried to live and lead with that in mind through the years. Bill looks back fondly on the many people he has worked with on all levels. Bill’s most satisfying project was in Murray, KY years ago. Bill said the job was planned so well, it enabled them to construct two 700’ bridges in one year!
Bill stated that “construction jobs involving travel are a commitment by the families of our co-workers”. As Bill looks towards his nearing retirement, he has plans to spend time with his wife and family that stood by him all these years.
Please join us in celebrating a very valued member of our team, Bill Hammond.